HSL Logo


What is HSLogos.com?

HSLogos.com is dedicated to providing accurate online versions high school logos. As a freshman at Seneca Township High School in Illinois, I decided in May 2018 to put my knowledge of high school mascots and logos to productive use by creating this website. In addition, I wanted to learn to make a website, learn to code, and be able to correspond with schools across my state. Athletic directors can easily use HSLogos.com to create flyers or brackets for interscholastic events. HSLogos.com currently has logos from over 2,000 different schools within its database. Six months after beginning, the website was officially released with Illinois logos on December 1, 2018. Since then, the website has been expanded and is now open to all states.

Check out the inspirations for HSLogos.com: mascotdb.com and sportslogos.net.

More North Carolina logos at nchslogos.com; more Texas logos at txhslogoproject.com.

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